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Last Date of Registration: 24th Nov 2024 for 29th Nov Exam date, 10th Dec 2024 for 15th Dec Exam date and

26th Dec 2024 for 30th Dec 2024 Exam date.

International Academic Decathlon ’24

An Academic Decathlon competition designed for students in Grades 1-8 will cover a variety of subjects and skills, including literature, mathematics, science, history, social studies, and current affairs ion one single exam paper. The competition will be structured in a way that accommodates the developmental stages of each grade level, ensuring an engaging and challenging experience for all participants.

For Grades 1 – 8

Grade1-4: 25 Marks,
Grade 5-8: 50 Marks

Ranking Criteria

The ranking criteria are decided on the basis of total marks obtained in various sections of the exam.


This exam is conducted at international level covering boards like Cambridge, IB, Australian Board, AQA, OCR, Edexcel etc for Grades 1-8.

Important Dates

29 Nov 2024
15 Dec 2024
26 Dec 2024

sample papers

A set of sample exam paper is available for students to understand the exam pattern


Apart from Trophies to top rank holders, the top graders will be awarded Medals, everyone gets a Detail Report.

Grade 1-4: 25 Questions
Grade 5-8: 50 Questions
Duration: 60 Minutes


Do you have any doubts or wish to know more? Read FAQs before registration.


Exam will be available for 24hrs on day of exam, students can start anytime between those 24hrs, but once started exam will end in its prescribed time limit of 1 hr.


Every Grade has 5 section

  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Current Affairs

Grade 1 - 2

(5 Sections - 25 Questions - 25 Marks)

Literature & Language: (5 Questions)

  1. Reading Comprehension: (1 Question)
  2. Vocabulary: (2 Question)

  3. Grammar and mechanics: (2 Question)

Mathematics: (5 Questions)

  1. Number Sense: (1 Question)

  2. Basic Operations: (1 Question)

  3. Geometry: (1 Question)

  4. Measurement: (1 Question)

  5. Logical Reasoning: (1 Question)

Science: (5 Questions)

  1. Living and Non-Living Things: (1 Question)

  2. Plants and Animals: (1 Question)

  3. The Human Body: (1 Question)

  4. Weather and Seasons: (1 Question)

  5. Simple Experiments: (1 Question)

Social Studies: (5 Questions)

  1. Community Helpers: (1 Question)

  2. Basic Geography: (1 Question)

  3. Important Monuments: (1 Question)

  4. Good Citizenship: (1 Question)

  5. Economics (1 Question)

Current Affairs & GK: (5 Questions)

  1. Technology & Innovation:(1 Question)

  2. Sports Highlights:(1 Question)

  3. Famous Personalities:(1 Question)

  4. Interesting Facts:(1 Question)

  5. Weather Events:(1 Question)

Grade 3 - 4

(5 Sections - 25 Questions - 25 Marks)

Literature & Language Arts: (5 Questions)

  1. Reading Comprehension: (1 Question)

  2. Grammar & Usage: (2 Question)

  3. Vocabulary Development: (2 Question)

Mathematics: (5 Questions)

  1. Number Sense & Operations: (1 Question)

  2. Fractions & Decimals: (1 Question)

  3. Geometry & Measurement: (1 Question)

  4. Data & Probability: (1 Question)

  5. Problem Solving & Logical Reasoning: (1 Question)

Science: (5 Questions)

  1. Plants and Animals: (1 Question)

  2. Earth & Space Science: (1 Question)

  3. Physical Science: (1 Question)

  4. Human Body: (1 Question)

  5. Weather: (1 Question)

Social Studies: (5 Questions)

  1. Local & National Government: (1 Question)

  2. Maps & Geography: (1 Question)

  3. Community & Culture: (1 Question)

  4. Historical Events & Figures: (1 Question)

  5. Civics & Citizenship: (1 Question)

General Knowledge & Current Affairs: (5 Questions)

  1. World Geography: (1 Question)

  2. Famous Personalities: (1 Question)

  3. Environmental Awareness: (1 Question)

  4. Technology & Inventions: (1 Question)

  5. Current Events: (1 Question)

Grade 5 - 6

(5 Sections - 50 Questions - 50 Marks)

Literature & Language Arts: (10 Questions)

  1. Reading Comprehension: (2 Questions)

  2. Grammar & Syntax: (4 Question)

  3. Vocabulary & Word Study: (2 Questions)

  4. Writing Strategies: (2 Questions)

Mathematics: (10 Questions)

  1. Number Theory & Operations: (2 Questions)

  2. Algebraic Concepts: (2 Questions)

  3. Geometry & Measurement: (2 Questions)

  4. Data Analysis & Probability: (2 Questions)

  5. Problem Solving & Logical Reasoning: (2 Questions)

Science: (10 Questions)

  1. Life Science: (2 Questions)

  2. Earth & Space Science: (2 Questions)

  3. Physical Science: (2 Questions).

  4. Environmental Science: (2 Questions)

  5. Weather and climate: (2 Questions)

Social Studies: (10 Questions)

  1. World Geography: (2 Questions)

  2. World History: (2 Questions)

  3. Civics & Government: (2 Questions)

  4. Economics: (2 Questions)

  5. Culture & Society: (2 Questions)

General Knowledge & Current Affairs: (10 Questions)

  1. World Events: (2 Questions)

  2. Science & Technology: (2 Questions)

  3. Global Organizations & Leadership: (2 Questions)

  4. Cultural Awareness: (2 Questions)

  5. Sports Highlights: (2 Questions)

Grade 7 - 8

(5 Sections - 50 Questions - 50 Marks)

Literature & Language Arts: (10 Questions)

  1. Advanced Reading Comprehension: (2 Questions)

  2. Advanced Grammar & Syntax: (4 Questions)

  3. Literary Analysis & Criticism: (2 Questions)

  4. Writing Strategies: (2 Questions)

Mathematics: (10 Questions)

  1. Algebra & Functions: (2 Questions)

  2. Geometry & Measurement: (2 Questions)

  3. Probability & Statistics: (2 Questions)

  4. Advanced Problem Solving: (2 Questions)

  5. Pre-Calculus Concepts: (2 Questions)

Science: (10 Questions)

  1. Biology: (2 Questions)

  2. Chemistry: (2 Questions)

  3. Physics: (2 Questions)

  4. Earth & Space Science: (2 Questions)

  5. Scientific Research & Experimentation: (2 Questions)

Social Studies: (10 Questions)

  1. World History: (2 Questions)

  2. World War I: (2 Questions)

  3. Global Geography & Cultures: (2 Questions)

  4. Read maps: (2 Questions)

  5. Economics: (2 Questions)

General Knowledge & Current Affairs: (10 Questions)

  1. Global Current Events: (2 Questions)

  2. Science & Technology Innovations: (2 Questions)

  3. Sports & Cultural Events: (2 Questions)

  4. Environmental Awareness & Sustainability: (2 Questions)

  5. Global Organizations & Leadership: (2 Questions)

A Global Celebration of Academic Brilliance!

An Academic Decathlon competition designed for students in Grades 1-8 will cover a variety of subjects and skills, including literature, mathematics, science, history, social studies, and current affairs ion one single exam paper. The competition will be structured in a way that accommodates the developmental stages of each grade level, ensuring an engaging and challenging experience for all participants.

How to Register for International Academic Decathlon

How to Register Individually

Bulk Registration for Schools for Online Mode Exarm

Bulk Registration School to send entries in offline Mode

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